Santiago de Chile, 2016

In its wide orbit through various domains of knowledge, sciences and disciplines, the notion of palimpsest has allowed the configuration of complex dimensions. According to the Royal Academy, palimpsest is: "ancient manuscript that preserves traces of an earlier writing artificially erased". Thus, the particularity of the palimpsest consists in the coexistence of writings that belong to different historical times, within the same space or substrate. Consequently, the concept makes it possible to problematize complex relationships between linearity and simultaneity, questioning the disintegration between the "new" and the "old". In the search for references, the metaphorical richness of the concept is expanded; thus, for example Baudelaire in the recreation of De Quincey's books, defined the palimpsest as an allegory of the human brain; a transposition of thoughts, images and feelings. "All echoes of memory" activated by emotionally radical experiences. This economic model of artificial superposition promoted in me ideas and images about the erasure of state texts and logos. The production of Palimpsest came to materialize specifically modifications to the identity of the institution. What is suppressed - paradoxically - is what one wants to make visible as problematic, from a displacement perspective that shows how history can be fragile, eventual and random, opening the possibility of other present and future.